Monday, November 16, 2009

Ihop...come hungry, leave happy...

Everyday I worked from 8:30 till 6:30pm or sometimes till 7pm almost everyday, in which I am stressed out and want to have some time to relax or enjoy myself. On my day off, I usually do my household chores and try to do some errands that I wasnt able to attend to during the week.

One time, I went to the dentist and have a cleaning but they did some xray and so on and so forth ending me up with the dentist saying I have to make another appointment for deep cleaning and some filling meaning worth $1694.00...yup...that's what needs to be paid good thing insurance always comes in handy so I'll be paying for $338.80 all in all....

After a shocking bill, I said I need to treat myself and i went to Ihop. I was really hungry then, I ordered Sirloin tips and eggs..hmmm....its really watery and yummy....

Grilled, tender, sweet and savory USDA Select sirloin tips with grilled onions and mushrooms. Served with two eggs, hash browns and two buttermilk pancakes.

They are known for great pancakes. I love the meal. I really had fun eating my meal.

It was served with coffee and I also got me an apple juice to finish my meal.

It's not bad to treat yourself once in a while and enjoy the feeling of eating out. But it would be nicer if I had my whole family with me eating breakfast or lunch out. If you're in love with pancakes go to Ihop if you're into really big breakfast you can also try Bob's Evans.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bheng,

    Oh my! Insurance definitely comes in handy, haha. I used to go to IHOP with my family for their pancakes but we will now be making our own because the company has been exposed for food safety issues and animal cruelty in its supply chain. For more details, please check out:

    I just wanted to let you know about this and I truly appreciate your time.


    Emily J. Spivak
