Monday, December 21, 2009

Let it snow,,,let it snow....18 inches of snow...

It's very unusual to have winter storm in Maryland or DC, meaning it doesnt happen so often. This year Christmas welcomes winter storm like it never before here in Maryland. On the 19th day of December, 2009 (Saturday)was the most snow here in Maryland on a December period. The first big snow storm I've ever seen in my entire to look at and play with but the aftermath worried me.

This was our home few days ago before the winter storm hit Maryland in just a few inches.

Our doorstep if you can see the difference.

We gotta shovel and plow the snow or else after few days it will become water but because of the freezing temperature, it will become black ice and can endanger anybody who walks on the walkway.

Good thing that my hubby got a snow blower. It really helps us a lot when we we're shovelling the snow, it lessen the work.

They say it was only 16.4 inches of snow but in our home its more than what it looks like because the wind blew the snow and it increases and adds to it.

The steps going up to the deck which was almost covered by the snow.

The first attempt to get rid of the snow around 2pm saturday.

Our deck with the snow all over.

We tried to clear the snow and shovelling was really tiring especially when you never had workout for a long time, back hurts, hands, arms, legs,it was tiring.

Who said I never enjoy the snow? I love it terribly but after the snow, here comes the ice and the black ice. The experience was terrible.

Attempting to make a snowman but I was too cold to make one.

Enjoying the scenery of a white Christmas.

Checking out on my own how it feel to lay on a snow.

The snow was really high for me, it's hard to walk.

This was after we shovel the driveway...hopefully the roads are clear already too.

Soon, it will be Christmas day. Hopefully everybody realizes and understand that Christmas is not for gifts nor material's baby Jesus' birthday. We should celebrate His christening. God bless yah all...Merry Christmas!!! Happy Hannukah!!! Merry Keshmish!!! Maligayang Pasko!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Watching "2012" Movie at AMC Theatre, Waldorf, Maryland

Me, my brother and my hubby watched the movie "2012" on my birthday last Nov. 21, 2009. The movie for me was alright, but I was kinda disappointed on how it ended. It can have best picture but not award winning piece.

I like the story of Independence Day better. That's just my opinion, try watching it.

The theater was not as good as the Movie theater in Tyson's Corner in Virginia. I guess because it was the nearest, we got no choice but to watch it there.

Thanksgiving - turkey, ham and chicken

We did celebrate Thanksgiving day this 2009 even though it's just me and my hubby at home. He cooked a "turkey" and I seasoned the "ham". It was something cool for me coz I was part of preparing the feast. The way we celebrate Christmas in the Philippines was the way they celebrate Thanksgiving here.

Turkey and gravy, Honey-baked Ham, Roast chicken, corn pudding, stuffings, potato salad, rolls, and punch.

For every meal that we ate, whether it's not much nor it's overwhelming, we should always give thanks. Through every struggle and every tear drops, there's always joy at the end of the rainbow...

Give thanks to the Lord for everything.

The Pilgrims left Plymouth, England, on September 6, 1620. Their destination? The New World. Although filled with uncertainty and peril, it offered both civil and religious liberty.

For over two months, the 102 passengers braved the harsh elements of a vast storm-tossed sea. Finally, with firm purpose and a reliance on Divine Providence, the cry of "Land!" was heard. Arriving in Massachusetts in late November, the Pilgrims sought a suitable landing place. On December 11, just before disembarking at Plymouth Rock, they signed the "Mayflower Compact" - America's first document of civil government and the first to introduce self-government.

After a prayer service, the Pilgrims began building hasty shelters. However, unprepared for the starvation and sickness of a harsh New England winter, nearly half died before spring. Yet, persevering in prayer, and assisted by helpful Indians, they reaped a bountiful harvest the following summer.

The grateful Pilgrims then declared a three-day feast, starting on December 13, 1621, to thank God and to celebrate with their Indian friends. While this was not the first Thanksgiving in America (thanksgiving services were held in Virginia as early as 1607), it was America's first Thanksgiving Festival.

Pilgrim Edward Winslow described the Pilgrims' Thanksgiving in these words:
"Our harvest being gotten in, our Governor sent four men on fowling [bird hunting] so that we might, after a special manner, rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors. They four in one day killed as much fowl as... served the company almost a week... Many of the Indians [came] amongst us and... their greatest King, Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted; and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought... And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet BY THE GOODNESS OF GOD WE ARE... FAR FROM WANT."

In 1789, following a proclamation issued by President George Washington, America celebrated its first Day of Thanksgiving to God under its new constitution. That same year, the Protestant Episcopal Church, of which President Washington was a member, announced that the first Thursday in November would become its regular day for giving thanks, "unless another day be appointed by the civil authorities." Yet, despite these early national proclamations, official Thanksgiving observances usually occurred only at the State level.
Much of the credit for the adoption of a later ANNUAL national Thanksgiving Day may be attributed to Mrs. Sarah Joseph Hale, the editor of Godey's Lady's Book. For thirty years, she promoted the idea of a national Thanksgiving Day, contacting President after President until President Abraham Lincoln responded in 1863 by setting aside the last Thursday of November as a national Day of Thanksgiving. Over the next seventy-five years, Presidents followed Lincoln's precedent, annually declaring a national Thanksgiving Day. Then, in 1941, Congress permanently established the fourth Thursday of each November as a national holiday.

Lincoln's original 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation came - spiritually speaking - at a pivotal point in his life. During the first week of July of that year, the Battle of Gettysburg occurred, resulting in the loss of some 60,000 American lives. Four months later in November, Lincoln delivered his famous "Gettsysburg Address." It was while Lincoln was walking among the thousands of graves there at Gettysburg that he committed his life to Christ. As he explained to a friend:

When I left Springfield [to assume the Presidency] I asked the people to pray for me. I was not a Christian. When I buried my son, the severest trial of my life, I was not a Christian. But when I went to Gettysburg and saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ.
As Americans celebrate Thanksgiving each year, we hope they will retain the original gratefulness to God displayed by the Pilgrims and many other founding fathers , and remember that it is to those early and courageous Pilgrims that they owe not only the traditional Thanksgiving holiday but also the concepts of self-government, the "hard-work" ethic, self-reliant communities, and devout religious faith.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Birthday celebration at Applebee's with my brother...

Another year has come, another celebration was done, another wrinkle and year was added, another surprise was announced. My hubby surprised me with a birthday present that was priceless...the gift that cannot be paid...bringing my brother from California to Maryland was something I did not expect. hubby made ways to bring my brother to Maryland for my birthday...I can't help it but cry, shout and breakdown, seeing my brother after 11 years once again I saw him in was a joy that you cannot explain. It was an overwhelming experience.

My family loves eating so we went to Applebee's for dinner.

Appetizers are dynamite shrimp and boneless buffalo wings with refillable soda....

The menu: 2 for $20.00 , we ordered steak with mashed potato and broccoli; and riblets with french fries.

My hubby ordered fried shrimp with french fries and cole slaw.

My neverending rack of babyback ribs with french fries and cole slaw.

An unforgettable birthday I ever had. The best days of my life...seeing my brother of my best friend.

Always nice to enjoy football games at Applebee's.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Red Lobster...experience the taste of wood-grilled seafood...

Everytime I got my salary every other Friday, I see to it that me and my hubby go out for dinner and enjoy each other's company. My hubby suggested this time that we go to Pizza Hut to eat and drink some beer and chill...I like the idea of chilling out and I even suggested that we order some spicy chicken wings but on the other hand, I said the amount that we will be paying at Pizza Hut will also be the same with Apple Bee's with a complete meal. I'm craving for shrimp and some steak so we end up on Red Lobster and ending up with $65.00 for our meal...hehehe....way too high from our budget plus $10.00 tip...heheheh....we gotta tip right???

A lobster on an aquarium, a picture taken at Red Lobster, Waldorf, Maryland.

Time to treat yourself at Red Lobster.

Garlic bread for free while waiting for the appetizers.

As appetizers we got calamari and chicken fingers for $8.25

I chose Coleslaw and wild Jasmine Rice for my side dish and refillable soda ($2.29 each).

Grilled yummy Sirloin steak, tasty Walt's shrimp and Jumbo shrimp for $26.49 for my meal.

Double Flounder stuffed with crab meat and Jumbo Shrimp with mashed potato and broccoli as side dish for my hubby worth $21.99.

The meal was great and I know I'll be coming back soon. Try fettucine alfredo shrimp, it taste good too. With all the restaurants that I blog you can always try and pick your choice. Enjoy eating...Soon, we'll be going to out!!!