Sunday, October 11, 2009

at Jasper's....Crofton, Maryland

Just got back home from West VA last Sunday and it was a busy week. After my father-in-law died, we want to bring mom back to Maryland to keep her mind away from Bob(my deceased father-in-law). We went shopping at the Farmer's Market(which i wasnt able to take pictures) and went straight to Walmart and Food Lion. Days flew fast and we have to send mom to my hubby's sister for another week vacation there. So, me and hubby decided to treat mom for dinner one evening before she leaves. We went and tried Jasper's in Crofton, Maryland.

We even said that it must be a very nice restaurant that the parking was so crowded. When we came inside, it was not as crowded as it look like outside. Yet, the place looks nice. The way it was setup and the price was just like Applebee's, Fridays, Ruby Tuesday, Olive Garden and Red Lobster.

The food was great and it was fresh and new. They have a combination of chicken fingers and half rack bbq ribs with fries and coleslaw for $17.59. We order cajun calamari for $8.99 and cajun shrimp for $8.69 for appetizers; and I order my never-ending-bbq ribs with the chicken fingers. With a refillable t will fill you up. We did'nt order anymore dessert coz we're too full. It was a nice experience having dinner with mom, Reese, and my hubby. I did enjoy the whole week with mom as well...and i wish we can make her more happier inspite of her hubbys loss. After feeding our face, though its a little 30 minutes ride going back home, we can't wait to play basketball Wii again....hehhehee...we got so addicted to it...good thing that the next day was holiday, not to worry about working...Just remember that, never be afraid to try something new, if somebody can try it why can't you? long as you're not doing anything wrong you should'nt be afraid of anything. May God bless you.....

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